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"The Higher, the Farther, the Deeper, the Darker... the Better"

Armor Technology

Armored vehicles require material capable of blast and ballistic protection that is also lightweight, strong, and environmentally rugged. One of the best ways to achieve weight reduction in an armor system is to combine the functions of a structural component while also protecting against ballistic fragments and mitigating blast damage. Microtruss™ periodic cellular materials offer this capability and allow improved protection without compromising vehicle weight.

Blast - Microtruss™
Ballistic - Microtruss™
B2P (Blast and Ballistic Protection)

CEI is the manufacturer of the worlds most advanced armoring solutions available. We have been actively developing our proprietary armoring solutions for the past 5 years. Now the time has come for us to release our products to the masses. We have acheived the strongest and lightest multi-hit and blast mitigating components available in the marketplace. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need more information on our product offering.

ThinSkin Armoring System
50CAL Solution
14.5 Solution
Overhead Threat Protection